Steak on the outdoor grill: It’s the iconic summer meal, and doing it to perfection is an art that every man must master. This video shows him how. Old myths are shattered as he learns how to ensure a seared outside–with perfect grill marks–and a tender and juicy inside. From choosing the right cut to letting the meat rest, Creative Entertaining makes it easy to get this classic dish just right.

Recommended reading in Revista Lideres, Ecuador’s leading newspaper on business and economics.
Interview with Prologues’ Elham AyoubZadeh and Rana Florida about her new book Upgrade.
Richard Florida addressed the United Nations at the United Nations Economic and Social Council recently. Watch the conversation on sustainable urbanization.
Running out of ideas for keeping your kids occupied this summer? This video shows you how to set up a cooking play date that lets kids do the creating while you stealthily impart lessons on nutrition, working together, safety in the kitchen, even how to adapt a recipe. Cooking with kids is not only the best kind of teachable moment for all sorts of life-lessons; it’s also more fun than any adult deserves to have.
Whether it’s to meet suppliers or vendors, to analyze the customer base, assess the competition, or attend forums and events, entrepreneurs know that in order to succeed, they must travel. But when too much work, too many client presentations, and too many other needs all demand your attention at once, the added stress of dealing with the minutiae of travel logistics can hinder that very success. Here are my top 10 travel tips.
Time is more important than money and possessions. It’s the one thing you can never get back and something you can’t buy, barter, or borrow. Once it’s gone, it’s gone for good. Those who succeed protect their time fiercely and selfishly.
Entrepreneurs are natural-born travelers and Seat 3A takes you along for the globe-trotting ride, delivering travel tips, insights and candid photos from self-made men and women.
Who needs enemies when you’ve got yourself? If it ever seems impossible to achieve a professional goal that should be well within your grasp—whether it’s a plum assignment, promotion or the corner office—you may be committing career self-sabotage without even realizing it. For every blown deadline or botched job interview, it’s easy to be unaware that you’re hitting the self-destruct button.
Here are five common ways we sabotage our careers—and how you can finally get out of your own way.
Today is the fifth of May and that means Cinco de Mayo gatherings are in full swing. The day, to commemorate the freedom and democracy during the beginning of the American Civil War is now observed as a celebration of Mexican culture and hertigage. No other theme is more vibrant and festive. Transform any space into a Mexican sala de fiesta. Here are some creative tips to host your own Cinco de Mayo fete.
Rana is the author of the best-seller Upgrade, Taking Your Work and Life from Ordinary to Extraordinary. Discover now her best addresses in Toronto.
Every city hopes to attract the next Facebook, Google, Instagram or Twitter. To lure such entrepreneurial startups, they follow the same route that city leaders of their grandparents’ generation did — cutting taxes, easing regulations, and in general trying to create a business-friendly climate. But what are entrepreneurs really looking for in a city?
It is a mindset–nimble, adaptive, and outside-the-universe–that has transformed an entire city, shifting Medellin, Colombia’s status from the ‘World’s Most Dangerous City’ to the ‘World’s Most Innovative City.’
Rana Florida interviews First Lady Michelle Obama to ask her some important questions about leadership, collaboration and the balancing act of family, work and life. Her answers and insights reinforce her determination to get the job done.
The second annual Start-Up City: Miami event, sponsored by The Atlantic, The Atlantic Cities, the Knight Foundation and the Creative Class Group convened venture capitalists, leading thinkers, and start-up founders yesterday to discuss entrepreneurialism and to share tips and expertise on successful startups.
Rana Florida’s recent book, Upgrade, brings perspective to the growth hack fix. Upgrade suggests that if technology entrepreneurs don’t change the way they view growth and success, a “growth hack” can only have so much impact.
Miami needs to invest in developing its talent, keeping its talent and attracting new talent. It needs to be a place to spur new inventions, discoveries and ideas. And it is in that spirt in which we launched, Start-Up City: Miami in partnership with the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, The Atlantic Cities and the Creative Class Group.
Consultant Rana Florida shows you how to live the first-best life you want, stop living in a state of “managed dissatisfaction” and “upgrade” your life by doing what you love.
Detroit’s fall from grace–from its ruins porn to its obesity rankings, from its crime rate to its bankruptcy–has all been exposed in the lurid glare of publicity. But I am constantly defending the Motor City. No campaign has captured the spirit and soul of the everyday people who live and work in the city –until, that is, the Detroit-based watch, bicycle, and leather goods manufacturing company Shinola choose the legendary photographer Bruce Weber to capture the essence of the city for it’s newest campaign.
March 8th marks International Women’s Day, a time to celebrate the tremendous gains that women have achieved, whether in access to reproductive health care and education or in their increasing visibility in the executive suites of corporations and at the top levels of governments. But it’s also a day to acknowledge how much still needs to be done.
e should all be advocating for a healthy lifestyle, with a good diet and sufficient exercise. Obesity is a serious health issue that should not be celebrated or accepted. It is not okay to teach young woman to be comfortable with a lifestyle that can lead to the second leading cause of preventable death in the US today.
In this latest Creative Entertaining, you can find some easy tips to make your own Oscar celebration a winner.
The MBA used to be a pre-requisite for a corporate job, a ticket to a high salary, more or less for life. But our economy has shifted; corporate loyalty has waned and those once coveted jobs, are both harder to come by and far less secure. The MBA remains more or less the same but a new kind of MBA is required to prepare students for these new volatile, uncertain economic currents. The emphasis needs to be less on getting a job and more on creating jobs for yourself and others.
Live the first-best life you want, stop living in a state of “managed dissatisfaction” and “upgrade” your life by doing what you love.
This Creative Entertaining video suggests some different ways you can show some love, whether you’re single, married, or dating this Red Hot Valentine’s Day.
This latest Creative Entertaining video suggests some fun ideas to add to the fun of the 2014 Winter Olympic games.
In this latest Creative Entertaining video, here are a few suggested ways to throw your own Super Bowl party at home.
As thousands of industry execs and hundreds of headliners gather at the Staples Center in Los Angeles this Sunday evening for the 56th Annual Grammy Awards, over 26 million of us will be tuning in. What better time to host a viewing party for friends and family? In this latest Creative Entertaining video, here are some simple tips to make this star studded affair shine at home.
Anna Runyan of Classy Career Girl interviews Rana Florida, the author of Upgrade: Taking Your Work and Life from Ordinary to Extraordinary.
The Institute for Human Activities is a research project that is located on a tributary of the Congo River, in the Democratic Republic of Congo hoping to create an international arts center and call attention to and study the gap that exists between the benefits that art production confers on the places where it is created and on the big global cities.
The best seller Upgrade gathers the best practices from CEO’s,business executives, entrepreneurs, innovative thinkers, and creative leaders.
In her book ‘Upgrade’ the author Rana Florida puts forward seven key principles for leading a successful life.
Zappos, the Internet shoe retailer is eliminating job titles, replacing their traditional corporate bureaucracy with a holocracy, an organization that revolves around the work that needs to be done rather than the people who do it. The goal of team members and colleagues is to add value, skills and expertise. Managers can and should enable and even unleash their people, but they cannot control them.
The eight-part film series called “Unlock Art,” developed by London’s Tate Museum in collaboration with Le Méridien Hotels explains the historical and commercial precedents for contemporary art’s development with a whimsical, plain-speak delivery, offering a surprisingly in depth yet easily digestible overview of modern art.
In this New Year, we need to change our diets and the ways we think about and consume food. But to get there, it has to be a community effort. Here are 10 ways we can all work together to create a fitter, healthier society.
getAbstract recommends Rana Florida’s Upgrade and her insights to those seeking to make positive life choices.
Business Traveller suggests Rana’s Florida’s Upgrade as one of its books you should read.
Rana Florida, in her book Upgrade, if you can’t communicate your vision for your life through words, draw a picture. Draw your house, draw your office, draw who you’d like to be working or living with.
Hosting a holiday gathering doesn’t have to be about gourmet food and razzle-dazzle decorations. Sometimes simpler is more stylish — and it’s the most in keeping with the spirit of the season. Here are a few ideas and suggestions to help you host the perfect holiday gathering.
Many people compromise their standards and settle for a life of second-best. In her new book Upgrade, consultant Rana Florida shows you how to live the first-best life you want, stop living in
a state of “managed dissatisfaction” and “upgrade” your life by doing what you love.
More than half of all startups fail within five years. And it is a well-known fact that failure is constant in entrepreneurship. The fashion business is highly competitive; so how do women’s clothing designers Kirk Pickersgill and Stephen Wong of the fashion label Greta Constantine ensure success? “Think global but always act like a startup.” Their company got off the ground in 2006 and can be found in far-flung locales such as Dubai, Paris, London, Moscow and Madrid.
Rana Florida in her book Upgrade shows readers how we all have choices to make in our everyday lives, and how we can transform our experience by envisioning the future we want and going after it.
The traditional of Thanksgiving dinner has been celebrated since 1863. The annual feast may be fun for the guests, who get to kick back and watch the game on TV, but for the host who is preparing the turkey, the stuffing, and all the fixings, the day can seem like an endless chore. But even though the idea of planning, designing, buying, cooking, and serving may seem overwhelming, it doesn’t have to be.
The frenzy of the shopping season kicks off this week, with up to 140 million people shopping over the Thanksgiving weekend from Thursday through Sunday, according to Forbes.No matter how much or how little you’re planning to spend this year, I’m urging you to buy experiences rather than things. As I wrote in my book, Upgrade, most of us have more possessions than we need or want anyway.
In this groundbreaking book Upgrade, Rana Florida, drawing on her years of experience working in collaboration with top global companies, offers readers the tools they need to achieve unimagined success in work and in life.
When visitors have taken in all the art they, what else is there to do in Miami Beach during Art Basel? Here are Rana Florida’s favorites.
Air travel can be a nightmare under the best of circumstances and the busiest travel day of the year is just weeks away. Here are 10 simple things that they can do now to make our journeys a little more comfortable and sane.
Latest review of Rana Florida’s new book, Upgrade in Deepbody Magazine. Florida tackles the future of our careers and expertise, leading them to a fulfilled, confident and involved future.
Ken Thoreson reviews Rana Florida’s latest book, Upgrade. “This is a good motivational read with tips and quotes that can change the way you live your life and Upgrade your life to the Extraordinary!”
Rana Florida’s new book, Upgrade, talks about taking your work and life from ordinary to extraordinary.
Interview with Rana Florida. In her new book Upgrade, she discusses why the work force needs to change to accommodate accomplished and determined mothers who merely need flexibility and understanding in order to live the kind of life they want while raising a family and still working. Too much to ask? Impossible to have it all? Not necessarily.
While there’s no doubt that some women are on the rise, the majority of us are still struggling to be valued professionally, financially, politically, and culturally, around the world and here at home. Whether it’s our fault or not, it’s time to ban together, stand up or take the driver’s seat and fix this.
It’s time for an upgrade. In Rana Florida’s latest book, she outlines what she considers to be the new imperative- integration of business and personal life strategies to improve the quality of our lives. In a recent interview with Rana, she shared her motivation for writing this book and the inspiration and insights drawn from the leaders she interviewed.
Upgrade: Taking your Work and Life from Ordinary to Extraordinary by Rana Florida McGraw-Hill 2013 review and author interview by Donald Officer and Kelly Okamura.
Rana Florida’s book, Upgrade rises above the somewhat-predictable list of seven key principles, thanks to her inquiring mind, diverse background, interviews with fascinating people, solid research, and honest, practical approach.
David Hershkovits of Paper Magazine interviews Rana Florida on her new book, Upgrade.
Rana Florida holds court on how to take charge of your life with Extraordinary book.
As entrepreneurs we are used to being our own one-stop-shop. Successful leaders know their own strengths and accept their weaknesses. Finding the right partners or teammates early on who can compliment your skills maximizes results and can often differentiate a successful business from a doomed one.
In her new book Upgrade, Rana Florida shares lessons from the Creative Class Group on living the life extraordinary.
Join us for our next Twitter chat Tuesday, October 8 from 8-9 PM EST with Rana Florida, CEO, Creative Class Group, @RanaFlorida. This week’s topic will be Habits of Successful Women.
The CEO of the Creative Class Group consulting firm has spent the past few years soliciting advice from visionaries across the board – PhDs and pop stars, CEOs and celebrity chefs. The accumulated wisdom appears in her new self-help book Upgrade: Taking Your Work and Life from Ordinary to Extraordinary. Here, Rana Florida shares some of her favourite strategies for success.
Rana Florida is the CEO of the Creative Class Group, an advisory firm that works with premier organizations on building economic competitiveness, cultural and technological innovation. Florida is also one of the leading thinkers on trends that are shaping the future of work and recently published Upgrade: Taking Your Work and Life from Ordinary to Extraordinary, in which she explores what makes innovative thinkers, creative leaders and CEOs successful.
The CEO of Creative Class Group shares a few principles that can mean the difference between settling for an ordinary career and living an extraordinary life.
Rana Flroida’s interview with Agatonem Kozińskim about her new book, Upgrade.
Jobs had Wozniak. Gates had Allen. Lennon had McCartney. Successful creative enterprises typically have two leaders: a visionary and a strategist who can execute. Creativity is a team-based process. It requires collaboration.
Rana Florida — CEO of Creative Class Group and author of the Huffington Post column “Your Startup Life” — believes that there’s a more meaningful way to define success, both at work and in every other aspect of life. True success, as she sees it, is all about balancing productivity with passion and having a good time while you’re at it.
Most people believe that writing is the hardest part; once their book is published, they think, it will fly off the shelves. The reality is that they will be lucky if their book even gets any shelf life. The most important lesson that an author can learn is that the work doesn’t stop after you’ve turned in the manuscript. That’s when the hardest work begins. If you want your book to be bought and read by the widest possible audience, you have to start marketing it long before its publication date. Here are some simple tips on marketing that every author should take to heart.
McGraw-Hill Professional Business Insider Work Smarter Webinar Series features Rana Florida and her new book, Upgrade.
Is there anything more enticing than a promise to make your regular old life extraordinary? It was this premise that inspired Rana Florida to write her latest book, and the reason why a very swishy crowd gathered to celebrate the launch of Upgrade on Tuesday night. Held at the home of Suzanne and Mark Cohon, the party attracted a mix of Toronto’s most stylish and most social. It was certainly a who’s who of the city’s creative set—a group more likely to be featured as an Upgrade case study than those in need of the book’s advice.
The last day of summer is just a few days away and there’s no better time to gather friends and family for the final backyard soirée of the season. It’s your party–there are no hard and fast rules. Pick a theme to set the tone for the food, décor and music. These party throwers chose the regions of Marrakesh and Morocco for inspiration.
Rana Florida at Canadian book launch party in Toronto for her new book, Upgrade.
Adapted from Rana Florida’s new book, Upgrade. We need to create a new definition of failure. Truly successful people embrace failure as part of the learning process, as an opportunity to grow, reflect, reinvent, and ultimately to push forward.
Adapted from Rana Florida’s book, Upgrade. Leaders who inspire, mentor, and teach — rather than dictate and order — will have more productive, more engaged and more loyal teams.
Through interviews with many leading figures, not just CEOs and business executives but entrepreneurs, innovative thinkers, and creative leaders, Rana Florida’s research concludes that there are seven key principles to achieving your business and life goals.
Rana Florida, CEO of the Creative Class Group and one of the key thinkers on the future of work, has just launched her first book, Upgrade: Taking Your Work and Life from Ordinary to Extraordinary. After interviewing some of the world’s most innovative thinkers, creative leaders and CEOs – such as Tim Brown, Dan Pink and Zaha Hadid – Florida’s research concluded that there are 7 key principles that make these people so successful.
Upgrade, 4 out of 5 star rating from Success Magazine. For this book, Rana Florida, CEO of the Creative Class Group and a columnist for The Huffington Post, interviewed impressive friends, acquaintances and colleagues, including Daniel Pink, author of To Sell Is Human; Zaha Hadid, an architect and one of Forbes magazine’s World’s 100 Most Powerful Women; John Noseworthy, M.D., CEO of the Mayo Clinic; chef Mario Batali; and singer Nelly Furtado.
It’s time to kill the breakfast meeting.The notion of a 7 or 8 a.m. breakfast meeting is unnatural, exhausting, stressful and completely unnecessary.
Book of the Month for September: “Upgrade: Taking Your Work and Life from Ordinary to Extraordinary” by Rana Florida
In workaholic America seems to grow in popularity topic: how do you find the right balance between work and private life? In her new book, Upgrade Rana Florida comes with a more practical approach based on the philosophies of, among others, tennis legend Andre Agassi, shoes designer Tory Burch, investor Mark Cuban, management and author Daniel H. Pink.
In her new book, Upgrade, Rana Florida aims to provide readers with the tools to achieve success in work and life. It gathers best practices from CEOs and other business executives, as well as entrepreneurs, innovative thinkers and creative leaders.
Le Travelist talks to Rana Florida this week as she unveils her new book, Upgrade: Taking Your Work and Life from Ordinary to Extraordinary.
It’s a well understood expression in business: Stagnation is regression; businesses either advance or fall behind. Creativity does not just give businesses the competitive edge, according to Rana Florida author of Upgrade and CEO of the Creative Class Group (CCG), it is the competitive edge.
The brief was to track down a unique condominium in Miami Beach,
beside the water and preferably near Lincoln Road.Rana Florida,Huffington
Post contributor and author of Upgrade,Taking YourWork and
Life from Ordinary to Extraordinary, and her husband called in NewYork
architectural designer Chris Benfield to assist them in their search.
They were looking for a spacious, light home in Miami with a large
terrace and sufficient room for their emerging art collection.
They found it, a modern, light condominium in a walkable urban
neighborhood with a spectacular view of Biscayne Bay.
Rana Florida, CEO of the Creative Class Group and author of Upgrade, on the
innovations and strategies that make her company top of its class in Porter Airline’s in flight Reporter Magazine.
Excerpt from Rana Florida’s new book, Upgrade on risk taking. For most people, assessing and accepting risk takes a severe emotional toll; it causes fear and confusion and it can lead to stress and fatigue. Life is already risky, many of us think — why ‘rock the boat?’ But most successful leaders, thinkers and innovators understand that new opportunities and rewards come only after taking risks.
Fashion icons Kimberly Newport Mimran, President, Pink Tartan, and Joe Mimran, Creative Director, Joe Fresh, offer simple tips on how to throw a stylish black and white backyard soiree.
In this groundbreaking new book, Upgrade, Taking Your Work and Life from Ordinary to Extraordinary, Rana Florida shares their formula, giving you the tools to achieve unimagined success in work and life.
Rana Florida Rana is the author of Upgrade: Taking Your Work and Life from Ordinary to Extraordinary. She also writes the Creative Spaces series for HGTV and the Huffington Post, where she highlights public and private spaces that epitomize creativity, innovation, design and new ways of thinking.
In her new book, Upgrade: Taking Your Work and Life from Ordinary to Extraordinary, Florida outlines her seven principles for achieving life and business goals. One of those seven principles is collaboration, which she describes as “understanding that every leader had to engage and inspire a team.”