Richard Florida recently spoke for the Winnipeg Chamber of Commerce.
Technology, talent and tolerance are essential to fostering creative cultures. When we talk about the creative class, we aren’t talking about some rarified, exclusive group of people. Every human is creative. Creative cultures stoke that fire.
In this groundbreaking book Upgrade, Rana Florida, drawing on her years of experience working in collaboration with top global companies, offers readers the tools they need to achieve unimagined success in work and in life.
When visitors have taken in all the art they, what else is there to do in Miami Beach during Art Basel? Here are Rana Florida’s favorites.
Air travel can be a nightmare under the best of circumstances and the busiest travel day of the year is just weeks away. Here are 10 simple things that they can do now to make our journeys a little more comfortable and sane.
Latest review of Rana Florida’s new book, Upgrade in Deepbody Magazine. Florida tackles the future of our careers and expertise, leading them to a fulfilled, confident and involved future.
Ken Thoreson reviews Rana Florida’s latest book, Upgrade. “This is a good motivational read with tips and quotes that can change the way you live your life and Upgrade your life to the Extraordinary!”
Rana Florida’s new book, Upgrade, talks about taking your work and life from ordinary to extraordinary.
Interview with Rana Florida. In her new book Upgrade, she discusses why the work force needs to change to accommodate accomplished and determined mothers who merely need flexibility and understanding in order to live the kind of life they want while raising a family and still working. Too much to ask? Impossible to have it all? Not necessarily.