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Rana Florida ColumnsRana Florida Columns: Life

The Huffington Post : Art in the Jungle

The Institute for Human Activities is a research project that is located on a tributary of the Congo River, in the Democratic Republic of Congo hoping to create an international arts center and call attention to and study the gap that exists between the benefits that art production confers on the places where it is created and on the big global cities.

January 17, 2014
Rana Florida ColumnsRana Florida Columns: Work

The Huffington Post : It’s Time to Get Rid of all Bosses

Zappos, the Internet shoe retailer is eliminating job titles, replacing their traditional corporate bureaucracy with a holocracy, an organization that revolves around the work that needs to be done rather than the people who do it. The goal of team members and colleagues is to add value, skills and expertise. Managers can and should enable and even unleash their people, but they cannot control them.

January 8, 2014