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Rana Florida ColumnsRana Florida Columns: Work

Fast Company : The Case For On-Site Day Care

Working mothers (and fathers) are making significant contributions to the U.S. economy and the companies that employ them, but they are doing so without the support that they need. Flex-time and other pro-family policies are not simply a “nice” thing that businesses can do for their employees. They make business sense too, as they reduce employee turnover.

October 1, 2014
Rana Florida ColumnsRana Florida Columns: Play

The Huffington Post : Creative Entertaining: Cozy Autumn Dinners

As summer slipped away this week, the air is crisp and the leaves are falling, it’s the perfect time of year to entertain at home with friends over some hearty and delicious comfort foods.
Entertaining doesn’t have to be timely, expensive or fancy. Here are 10 tips to keep it simple yet sophisticated this season. And watch Creative Entertaining: Dinner at the Farm for more suggestions.

September 25, 2014