
Rana Florida Columns

CREATE: DetroitRana Florida ColumnsRana Florida Columns: City

The Huffington Post : Lessons From Other Cities at Detroit’s Global City Forum

What lessons can we learn from Detroit’s and other cities’ struggles to remake themselves? That is the question that will be at the heart of CREATE: Detroit, the first of what will become an annual ideas fest. Hosted by the renowned urbanist Richard Florida and the Creative Class Group in partnership with Rock Ventures, Shinola, M1/DTW, and Planterra, the program will bring together city builders, city leaders, place makers and urbanists from across North America to share their insights and best practices for building and rebuilding more creative and inclusive cities.

June 10, 2015
CREATE: DetroitRana Florida ColumnsRana Florida Columns: City

The Huffington Post : A World-Class Global City-Building Forum: The First-Ever in Detroit

At the first annual Create: Detroit, by the Creative Class Group and sponsored by Rock Ventures, he will moderate panels with city-leaders, city-builders, place-makers, urbanists, and urban journalists from across North America, who will share what they’ve learned from their own ventures and observations in Miami, San Francisco, Toronto, New York, Las Vegas, and of course Detroit.

May 20, 2015