
Rana Florida Columns

Rana Florida ColumnsRana Florida Columns: LifeRana Florida Columns: Work

The Huffington Post : Tech Giants’ Freeze-Your-Eggs Policy Is Not Enough

The world’s most innovative and creative organizations should be dreaming up new ways to establish a better work-life balance for all their employees. Instead of holding out a carrot on a stick for would-be mothers, they should be establishing best practices to keep them engaged, productive, and excited about work while they raise their families.

December 1, 2014
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Horizons : Floridas on Miami, Florida

During your Caribbean Cruise, you may dream of living in paradise, of packing it all up and escaping to the islands. While that’s a great fantasy, the reality of trying to make a living makes it less attractive. But there’s always Miami. No, really, Miami. It’s a great place to live. Just ask Richard and Rana Florida, the power couple behind the Creative Class Group.

November 14, 2014
Rana Florida ColumnsRana Florida Columns: Work

The Huffington Post : Great Ideas Are Worthless Without Strong Execution

Most people think a Great Idea — a breakthrough discovery, a killer app — will make them wealthy beyond their dreams. But successful entrepreneurs know that Great Ideas are a dime a dozen. True success lies in the execution. Given the choice between a great idea and a limited execution team or a mediocre idea and a brilliant execution team, most great business leaders would choose the latter.

November 7, 2014
Rana Florida ColumnsRana Florida Columns: Work

Fast Company : The Case For On-Site Day Care

Working mothers (and fathers) are making significant contributions to the U.S. economy and the companies that employ them, but they are doing so without the support that they need. Flex-time and other pro-family policies are not simply a “nice” thing that businesses can do for their employees. They make business sense too, as they reduce employee turnover.

October 1, 2014