
Creative Class

Creative ClassCreative Class Communities

The Cap Times : Madison360: A decade later, Madison still makes the ‘creative class’ grade

Florida’s 2002 bestseller, “The Rise of the Creative Class,” has sparked many debates about the relative importance of creativity to the economic health of cities. In his new book, “The Rise of the Creative Class — Revisited,” Florida reiterates, updates and expands on his bottom line: “Cities need a people climate as much, and perhaps even more, than they need a business climate.” Paul Fanlund interviews Richard Florida asking him a series of Madison-centric questions.

November 2, 2012
Creative ClassCreative Class Communities

Columbus Underground : Richard Florida to Speak in Columbus about our Creative Economy

Florida speaks at COSI at the 2012 Innovate Columbus event presented by TechColumbus and the Fisher College of Business at The Ohio State University. Columbus Underground’s Walker had the opportunity to chat with Richard to learn a bit more about how his ideas apply specifically to Columbus, and to preview what we can expect during his presentation.

November 2, 2012
Creative ClassCreativity

The Australian : Creativity as an engine of prosperity for any member of the workforce

Florida has published several books on the theme of the creative class including, most recently, The Rise of the Creative Class Revisited, a substantial revision of his 2002 volume.
The thrust of Florida’s thesis is unchanged: growth of creative industries depends on the “3Ts” — technology, talent and social tolerance. But he has refined his arguments and updated statistical evidence.

August 20, 2012