
Creative Class

Creative Class

Examiner : The Creative Class

Interesting perspective for Miami’s economic future, from bestselling author and economic development expert Richard Florida, who finds market trends reveal a rising of the creative class. While Florida acknowledges the difficulty of our current economy, he also depicts the composition for the possibilities.

November 29, 2010
Creative Class

The Huffington Post : It’s the Creative Economy, Stupid

We need to recognize that a whole new economy and society based upon creativity and innovation is emerging and that, as a consequence, it is of vital importance that we reinvent our communities, our schools, our businesses, our government to meet the challenges such major structural shifts present.

October 19, 2010
Creative Class

Sun2Surf : Attracting the creative class

For those who hold strongly to the belief that cities are the engines of development, Florida’s thesis on the clustering of creative people has provided a concrete path to development. What the urban managers and planners have to do is to attract creative people to their cities.

April 27, 2010
Creative Class

Management Issues : Leadership for the creative class

The creative class – innovative knowledge workers in all sectors of the economy – will rule the 21st century. So argued social scientist Richard Florida in a seminal article (and later a book), written in 2002. But what does it mean for creative class employees to show leadership? And what does this imply for conventional leadership?

December 3, 2009