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Creative Class

Management Issues : Leadership for the creative class

The creative class – innovative knowledge workers in all sectors of the economy – will rule the 21st century. So argued social scientist Richard Florida in a seminal article (and later a book), written in 2002. But what does it mean for creative class employees to show leadership? And what does this imply for conventional leadership?

December 3, 2009

Human Resources Marketer : Dr. Richard Florida Headlines HCI’s National Summit

The Human Capital Institute (HCI), a think tank, professional association and educator in talent management strategies, announced that Dr. Richard Florida, widely regarded as one of the most influential scholars on the shift to the new knowledge economy, will headline HCI’s inaugural National Human Capital Summit, to be held in Chicago April 6-7, 2010.

December 3, 2009

Baltimore Sun : Happy to be here

Researchers, Peter J. Rentfrow of the University of Cambridge in England, Charlotta Mellander of the Jönköping International Business School in Sweden and Richard Florida (of “The Creative Class” fame) of the Rotman School of Management at the University of Toronto, used data from Gallup’s well-being index to figure out which states are happier than others.

November 16, 2009