Rana Florida’s tips on how to throw a great election night party for the 2012 U.S. Presidential race.
Drew Green, CEO and founder of SHOP.CA, is proud to welcome Rana Florida to SHOP.CA’s Board of Advisors. Florida is the CEO of the Creative Class Group, an advisory services firm that provides strategy, research, and consulting to businesses, communities and governments worldwide.
Rana Florida interviews Robert Hammond, co-founder of the non-profit Friends of the High Line with its goals at first to save the elevated railway, then to transform it into a vibrant public space in NY.
Richard Florida speaks at The Creativity Conference in Washington, D.C. in a panel on Invention, Innovation, Competitiveness – Creative Industries and the New American Economy alongside President Bill Clinton.
Thirty-seven million Americans at 3.5 million workplaces will participate in the 20-year tradition of Take Your Kids to Work Day this Thursday. The goal of the day is not to transform the workplace into a circus or a playground, but to get children interested in what the workplace really is.
The book, The Rise of the Creative Class: And How It’s Transforming Work, Leisure and Everyday Life, has placed the recruitment and retention of the so-called “creative class,” at the forefront of city planning.
On Wednesday, April 17, just 48 hours after the terrible events in Boston, the Senate failed to pass the Manchin-Toomey amendment to the Senate’s gun control bill, which mandated background checks on firearm purchases via the Internet and gun shows.
Many employers spend millions of dollars to upgrade their technology and software but skimp when it comes to providing their employees with formal skills development, apprenticeships, on-the-job learning, ongoing education, and other programs. They’re making a big mistake.
Richard Florida is the day’s last speaker at the London Conference, an annual gathering of influencers to debate the city’s challenges and opportunities, in November 2012.
The author of The Rise of the Creative Class has been cited — by such diverse figures as David Cameron and Bono — as an expert on how cities must evolve.