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Phoenix Focus : Five ways to kill your career success

Who needs enemies when you’ve got yourself? If it ever seems impossible to achieve a professional goal that should be well within your grasp—whether it’s a plum assignment, promotion or the corner office—you may be committing career self-sabotage without even realizing it. For every blown deadline or botched job interview, it’s easy to be unaware that you’re hitting the self-destruct button.
Here are five common ways we sabotage our careers—and how you can finally get out of your own way.

May 5, 2014
Rana Florida ColumnsRana Florida Columns: Play

The Huffington Post : It’s Fiesta Time!

Today is the fifth of May and that means Cinco de Mayo gatherings are in full swing. The day, to commemorate the freedom and democracy during the beginning of the American Civil War is now observed as a celebration of Mexican culture and hertigage. No other theme is more vibrant and festive. Transform any space into a Mexican sala de fiesta. Here are some creative tips to host your own Cinco de Mayo fete.

May 5, 2014
Rana Florida ColumnsRana Florida Columns: CityRana Florida Columns: Work

The Huffington Post : 5 Things Entrepreneurs Need From Their Cities

Every city hopes to attract the next Facebook, Google, Instagram or Twitter. To lure such entrepreneurial startups, they follow the same route that city leaders of their grandparents’ generation did — cutting taxes, easing regulations, and in general trying to create a business-friendly climate. But what are entrepreneurs really looking for in a city?

April 21, 2014
Files / Working Papers

Regional Studies : The Happiness of Cities

This research examines the factors
that shape the happiness of cities, whereas much of the existent literature has focused on the happiness of nations. It is argued that in
addition to income, which has been found to shape national-level happiness, human capital levels will play an important role in the
happiness of cities. Metropolitan-level data from the 2009 Gallup–Healthways Survey are used to examine the effects of human capital on city happiness, controlling for other factors. The findings suggest that human capital plays the central role in the happiness
of cities, outperforming income and every other variable.

April 16, 2014
Files / Working Papers

Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society : The creative class, post-industrialism and the happiness of nations

Our research examines the role of post-industrial structures and values on happiness across the nations of the world. We argue that these structures and values shape happiness in ways
that go beyond the previously examined effects of income. Our analysis explores whether income has different effects on countries at different stages of economic development. Our
results indicate that post-industrial structures and values have a stronger effect on happiness in higher income countries, where the standard of living has surpassed a certain level. Income,
on the other hand, has a stronger impact on happiness in low-income countries.

April 16, 2014
Files / Working Papers

Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society : The Creative Class and the crisis

The economic crisis contributed to sharp increases in US unemployment rates for all three of the major socio-economic classes. Results from regression models using individual-level data from the 2006–2011 US Current Population Surveys indicate that members of the Creative Class had a lower probability of being unemployed over this period than individuals
in the Service and Working Classes and that the impact of having a creative occupation became more beneficial in the 2 years following the recession. These patterns, if they continue,
are suggestive of a structural change occurring in the US economy—one that favours knowledge-based creative activities.

April 16, 2014