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CREATE: DetroitRana Florida ColumnsRana Florida Columns: City

The Huffington Post : A World-Class Global City-Building Forum: The First-Ever in Detroit

At the first annual Create: Detroit, by the Creative Class Group and sponsored by Rock Ventures, he will moderate panels with city-leaders, city-builders, place-makers, urbanists, and urban journalists from across North America, who will share what they’ve learned from their own ventures and observations in Miami, San Francisco, Toronto, New York, Las Vegas, and of course Detroit.

May 20, 2015
EuropeInternational publications

Halpern : Hotlist April 2015

This month’s Hotlist introduction comes from Richard Florida, international bestselling author, professor and urbanist who amongst many other pursuits founded the Creative Class Group. He is an all-round global think tank genius.”
Jenny Halpern Prince

April 2, 2015