Richard Florida is an expert on the role that cities play in economic growth. In his best-selling books The Rise of the Creative Class, The Flight of the Creative Class and Who’s Your City?, he argues that the strength of the 21st century economy lies in tapping the power of cities as places where creative people live and work.
Great cities speed up their metabolic rate to defy the previous generation’s imagination.
Richard Florida says New Brunswick may be lightly populated and relatively rural, but the province is well positioned both economically and geographically to do well in a continually shifting fiscal and social climate.
Leading social theorist Richard Florida believes New Brunswick’s cities need more creative people.
A study, by professor John Solow in the Tippie College of Business, ranks all of Iowa’s 99 counties in a Creativity Index based on the one developed by economist Richard Florida, author of the national bestseller “The Rise of the Creative Class.”
In 2002, with his best-selling book The Rise of the Creative Class, Richard Florida kick-started a national conversation about cities can attract the kind of people that will help them grow and compete.
Where we choose to live is one of the most important decisions we make in life, according to Richard Florida.
A new study by a University of Iowa economics professor suggests that Iowa counties with a higher concentration of people who are part of the so-called “creative class” have stronger prospects for economic growth.