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Las Vegas Review-Journal : GEOFF SCHUMACHER: Unfinished business

Amid the global recession, some are predicting the decline of Las Vegas.The most serious-minded articulation of this viewpoint comes from renowned urban studies professor Richard Florida, who wrote the cover story, “How the Crash Will Reshape America,” in the March issue of The Atlantic magazine.

February 21, 2009
Creative Class Communities

Dayton Daily News : Kevin Riley: Young, creative types could be most powerful people in town

The DaytonCREATE initiative was launched last year with the help of economist and best-selling author Richard Florida. He urges communities that want to thrive economically to recruit and cultivate a “creative class” — artists, musicians, engineers and high-tech workers, all people who think and create for a living. A number of projects have grown out of the work of Dayton’s creative “catalysts.”

February 21, 2009

Isthmus Daily Page : Blaska’s Blog: How low can it go? Part II

Blaska’s take on the current financial crisis with reference to Richard Florida and March’s issue of the Atlantic-At critical moments, Americans have always looked forward, not back, and surprised the world with our resilience. Can we do it again? [The Atlantic: How the Crash Will Reshape America]

February 19, 2009