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Financial Times : Happy Days For New York’s Psychiatrists

In these tough economic times, it is sometimes hard to think of a silver lining. But Richard Florida – the man who coined the term “the creative class” – proposes an interesting one: that what is bad for financial services businesses may be good for artists and psychiatrists.

March 1, 2009
Economy : How the crash may reshape us

There’s growing consensus this economic downturn is not only longer, deeper and nastier. It’s becoming clear this recession may prove transforming, potentially changing us personally, regionally, nationally — even globally — in fundamental ways.Once we emerge from this financial firestorm, the Tampa Bay area will have changed. And if it has not, maybe it should.

March 1, 2009

LA Observed : Or L.A. is on the upswing

This month’s Atlantic cover story posits that L.A. is one of the relatively few American places ideally situated to rise from the ashes of the recession. That’s because L.A. is a high metabolism big city with a strong creative base, urban theorist Richard Florida argues.

February 25, 2009