Every few years someone puts together a top list for singles, but now Richard Florida has compiled a list just for the Y generation. These cities, which ranked in the top, provide various career opportunities, colleges, and potential for growth.
Brief is dedicated to the place marketing, branding, management and development which has organized in Poland many successful projects dedicated to the local and national governments.
Whether you’re a city lover, have a keen interest in our economy, or an arm-chair social scientist seeking to understand global trends then this book will give you much to ponder.
Richard Florida says creative workers constitute 30 percent of the American work force and earn 50 percent of the salaries.
He offers advice for working with your creative staff.
Bullet-train idea is back, as it is throughout the rest of the country, thanks to $13 billion for high-speed rail (HSR) that was tucked into President Obama’s $787 billion economic stimulus package.
The merging of the Noosa Creative Alliance and the Sunshine Coast to create the Sunshine Coast Regional Alliance in Noosa, Australia.
In his best-selling book, Who’s Your City?, Dr. Florida argues that the world is a “spiky place”, characterized by a concentration of economic activity, innovation, and resulting prosperity in a relatively small number of urban hotspots around the planet.
Cutting back on the excess of the boom years might not be so bad, some families discover.
A report by Richard Florida and Kevin Stolarick, at the Martin Prosperity Institute, in Who’s Your City? looked at 363 metropolitan areas to drum up a list of the top spots for singles.
Richard Florida says “a relatively small number of locations still produce the lion’s share of innovation.” These places continue to attract the most talented people from around the world, who then “combine and recombine in new and innovative ways that increase the odds that something great will emerge.”