Rana Florida’s book, Upgrade rises above the somewhat-predictable list of seven key principles, thanks to her inquiring mind, diverse background, interviews with fascinating people, solid research, and honest, practical approach.
David Hershkovits of Paper Magazine interviews Rana Florida on her new book, Upgrade.
Rana Florida holds court on how to take charge of your life with Extraordinary book.
As entrepreneurs we are used to being our own one-stop-shop. Successful leaders know their own strengths and accept their weaknesses. Finding the right partners or teammates early on who can compliment your skills maximizes results and can often differentiate a successful business from a doomed one.
In her new book Upgrade, Rana Florida shares lessons from the Creative Class Group on living the life extraordinary.
The CEO of the Creative Class Group consulting firm has spent the past few years soliciting advice from visionaries across the board – PhDs and pop stars, CEOs and celebrity chefs. The accumulated wisdom appears in her new self-help book Upgrade: Taking Your Work and Life from Ordinary to Extraordinary. Here, Rana Florida shares some of her favourite strategies for success.
Rana Florida is the CEO of the Creative Class Group, an advisory firm that works with premier organizations on building economic competitiveness, cultural and technological innovation. Florida is also one of the leading thinkers on trends that are shaping the future of work and recently published Upgrade: Taking Your Work and Life from Ordinary to Extraordinary, in which she explores what makes innovative thinkers, creative leaders and CEOs successful.
The CEO of Creative Class Group shares a few principles that can mean the difference between settling for an ordinary career and living an extraordinary life.
Rana Flroida’s interview with Agatonem Kozińskim about her new book, Upgrade.
Jobs had Wozniak. Gates had Allen. Lennon had McCartney. Successful creative enterprises typically have two leaders: a visionary and a strategist who can execute. Creativity is a team-based process. It requires collaboration.