Rana Florida ColumnsRana Florida Columns: LifeRana Florida Columns: Work

The Huffington Post : Tech Giants’ Freeze-Your-Eggs Policy Is Not Enough

The world’s most innovative and creative organizations should be dreaming up new ways to establish a better work-life balance for all their employees. Instead of holding out a carrot on a stick for would-be mothers, they should be establishing best practices to keep them engaged, productive, and excited about work while they raise their families.

December 1, 2014
Rana Florida ColumnsRana Florida Columns: Work

The Huffington Post : Great Ideas Are Worthless Without Strong Execution

Most people think a Great Idea — a breakthrough discovery, a killer app — will make them wealthy beyond their dreams. But successful entrepreneurs know that Great Ideas are a dime a dozen. True success lies in the execution. Given the choice between a great idea and a limited execution team or a mediocre idea and a brilliant execution team, most great business leaders would choose the latter.

November 7, 2014