Richard Florida to meet Ottawa City Mayor Larry O’Brien’s office October 30, 2009.
Richard Florida, the author of the book “The Rise of the Creative Class,” has written an article in The Atlantic titled “How the Crash Will Reshape America” which makes several points that are particularly relevant to the Greater Rockford region.
The Business Executive interviews Richard Florida, Author, Who’s Your City and Director of the Martin Prosperity Institute, Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto, will be the keynote speaker at HIEC’s 20th Anniversary event on Nov. 17, 2009.
Florida, who spoke Sept. 25 at the University of Texas at Arlington as the first of the school’s 2009 Maverick Speaker Series, is best known for his concepts of the creative class and the idea of urban regeneration and several books on the subject, including The Rise of the Creative Class, Cities and the Creative Class and his latest, Who’s Your City?
WSJ asks Richard Florida and five other experts which 10 cities will emerge as the hottest, hippest destinations for highly mobile, educated workers in their 20s when the U.S. economy gets moving again.
The rise of the creative class and its new type of economic development, and what that means for the Capital Region will be the focus of a presentation at The Palace in Albany, NY.
Richard Florida ranks among those best twitter feeds for financial intelligence.
Richard Florida speaks at the University of Texas at Arlington sharing insights that the Dallas-Forth Worth area is doing okay but has room for improvement.
Richard Florida delivered the keynote address at IT World Canada’s Toronto-based Showcase Ontario event, Sept. 22. The academic and author discussed ideas put forward in his best-selling book The Rise of the Creative Class and his soon-to-be-released (and tentatively titled) The Great Reset.