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CCE: The Reshaping of America, cont’d

The economic crisis appears to be causing a slight but noticeable shift from the suburbs to the cities, according to an analysis of recent Census data by Brookings demographer William Frey, reported in the Wall Street Journal.

February 1, 2010

CCE: How the Crash Continues to Reshape America

Writing in The Atlantic, I argued that the economic crisis was reshaping America’s economic geography, with big city centers and mega-region hubs like New York City, talent-rich regions like greater D.C., and college towns weathering the storm relatively well, while Rustbelt cities and shallow-rooted Sunbelt economies being much harder hit.

February 1, 2010

Albany Times Union : Economic future requires thriving cities

Florida predicts the current Great Recession, like its predecessor international economic crises, “will accelerate the rise and fall of specific places within the U.S. — and reverse the fortunes of other cities and regions”. This may not bode well for the Capital Region.

January 11, 2010