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Rana Florida ProfilesRana Florida Upgrade Features, Reviews and News

Silicon ANGLE : Why Businesses Are Either Creative Or Irrelevant: Q & A with Creative Class Group CEO, Rana Florida

It’s a well understood expression in business: Stagnation is regression; businesses either advance or fall behind. Creativity does not just give businesses the competitive edge, according to Rana Florida author of Upgrade and CEO of the Creative Class Group (CCG), it is the competitive edge.

September 5, 2013
CreativityEconomyProfiles and Interviews

Faena Sphere : Agents of Change

Richard Florida, journalist, founder of creative group, author and global leader in urbanism, has brought a breath of fresh air to the field of urban renovation, especially after the collapse of the global housing bubble. Florida has been a prominent figure in the economic sphere since 1990, when he wrote his first book exploring the technological boom of Silicon Valley. His theories are characterized by his ability to recognize something many intellectuals had ignored: cultural diversity stimulates the economy.

September 4, 2013
Rana Florida ProfilesRichard and Rana Florida

Objekt Magazine : Miami Beach with Biscayne Bay View

The brief was to track down a unique condominium in Miami Beach,
beside the water and preferably near Lincoln Road.Rana Florida,Huffington
Post contributor and author of Upgrade,Taking YourWork and
Life from Ordinary to Extraordinary, and her husband called in NewYork
architectural designer Chris Benfield to assist them in their search.
They were looking for a spacious, light home in Miami with a large
terrace and sufficient room for their emerging art collection.
They found it, a modern, light condominium in a walkable urban
neighborhood with a spectacular view of Biscayne Bay.

September 4, 2013
Rana Florida ColumnsRana Florida Columns: WorkRana Florida Upgrade Features, Reviews and News

The Huffington Post : Risky Business Is Good Business

Excerpt from Rana Florida’s new book, Upgrade on risk taking. For most people, assessing and accepting risk takes a severe emotional toll; it causes fear and confusion and it can lead to stress and fatigue. Life is already risky, many of us think — why ‘rock the boat?’ But most successful leaders, thinkers and innovators understand that new opportunities and rewards come only after taking risks.

September 3, 2013