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Rana Florida ProfilesRana Florida Upgrade Features, Reviews and News

Business News Daily : Redefining Career Success Starts With Passion

Rana Florida — CEO of Creative Class Group and author of the Huffington Post column “Your Startup Life” — believes that there’s a more meaningful way to define success, both at work and in every other aspect of life. True success, as she sees it, is all about balancing productivity with passion and having a good time while you’re at it.

September 26, 2013
Rana Florida ColumnsRana Florida Columns: WorkRana Florida Upgrade Features, Reviews and News

The Huffington Post : How to Market Your Book

Most people believe that writing is the hardest part; once their book is published, they think, it will fly off the shelves. The reality is that they will be lucky if their book even gets any shelf life. The most important lesson that an author can learn is that the work doesn’t stop after you’ve turned in the manuscript. That’s when the hardest work begins. If you want your book to be bought and read by the widest possible audience, you have to start marketing it long before its publication date. Here are some simple tips on marketing that every author should take to heart.

September 23, 2013
Rana Florida ProfilesRana Florida Upgrade Features, Reviews and News

Fashion : Inside the Upgrade launch party: 20 photos of Toronto’s social set toasting Rana Florida on her latest book

Is there anything more enticing than a promise to make your regular old life extraordinary? It was this premise that inspired Rana Florida to write her latest book, and the reason why a very swishy crowd gathered to celebrate the launch of Upgrade on Tuesday night. Held at the home of Suzanne and Mark Cohon, the party attracted a mix of Toronto’s most stylish and most social. It was certainly a who’s who of the city’s creative set—a group more likely to be featured as an Upgrade case study than those in need of the book’s advice.

September 20, 2013