


The Globe and Mail : Where a recession will hurt the most

Richard Florida and James Milay explore the the effects if a recession hits Canada suggesting that the continuing shift in Canada’s economy from traditional blue-collar, working-class jobs to creative and service jobs will dampen the effects of job losses over all, but those in the working class will feel the pain much more.

November 24, 2008

The days of urban sprawl are over …

… but not for the reasons you think. One of the few things increasing as fast as the price of oil lately has been the amount of commentary linking higher energy costs to the death of suburbia. Clearly, higher gas prices have affected where people want – or can afford – to live. Just as the demand for SUVs plummets and consumers have finally begun to see the point of hybrids, people are turning away from sprawling exurbs toward urban neighbourhoods and inner suburbs.

July 12, 2008