


Newsweek : Comeback Country

The tale of the economy’s remarkable turnaround is largely the story of swift reaction, a willingness to write off bad debts and restructure, and an embrace of efficiency—disciplines largely invented in the U.S. America still leads the world at processing failure, at latching on to new innovations and building them to scale quickly and profitably. “We are the most adaptive, inventive nation, and have proven quite resilient,” says Richard Florida, sociologist and author of The Great Reset: How New Ways of Living and Working Drive Post-Crash Prosperity.

April 12, 2010

Korea 2020 : South Korea: Moving into the Creative Age

South Korea has clawed its way out of poverty by becoming a manufacturing powerhouse. But to stay a world-class economy will require the country to draw on a different set of skills. In the future, it will be the ability to create—as distinct from the ability to produce—that will foster innovation, and with it, sustainable economic growth. Whether it is new ideas, new business models, new cultural forms, new technologies, or new industries, it is creative capital that will drive the world economy. The ability to harness creativity will be the biggest challenge, as well as the biggest opportunity, for South Korea.

February 23, 2010

NPR On Point: : America’s Post-Crash Geography

Big economic events — like the one we’re in now — change the map of America. They make winners and losers. They change where we live and work and what we do.
Acclaimed urban theorist Richard Florida says that on the other side of this economic bust, America’s economic geography will be different. Some cities, towns, regions will roar back to new prosperity. Others, he says, may find a reshaped economy passing them by. Some may be history.

February 2, 2010

CBC News Sunday : Interview with Richard Florida

CBC News sits down with this bestselling author, an influential academic who’s advising top politicians on how to reshape the economy, and ask: when the recession ends, which industries and which companies will be left standing? And how will your city fare?

February 2, 2010

Chicago Public Radio : Forecast; Cities Win, Suburbs Lose?

Urban theorist Richard Florida is the author of the controversial book, The Rise of the Creative Class, which argues that creative people living in densely populated regions are the driving force for 21st century economic development.
More recently, he’s written about “How the Crash Will Reshape America” in the The Atlantic monthly. Florida says the U.S. economy will flourish if we allow it to “reset,” and encourage policies that would concentrate a highly mobile American population in compact cities.

February 2, 2010