En estos tiempos, la clave para el desarrollo económico de América Latina ya no solamente incluye sus materias primas y sus manufacturas, sino también un recurso ilimitado aunque ignorado por muchos: el inmenso potencial creativo de la región. La creatividad forma indiscutiblemente parte del ADN de las sociedades, ciudades y barrios latinoamericanos,
De creatieve klasse heeft in veel opzichten de stad gered, alleen blijkt nu dat niet iedere stedeling deelt in het succes. Door
stijgende woonkosten gaapt een steeds diepere kloof tussen stadsbewoners. Daarom moeten we werk maken van inclusief
urbanisme, betoogt stedelijk geograaf Richard Florida.
Can creativity be the basis of prosperity in Latin America? Richard Florida calls for a bet on Latin ingenuity to fight against inequality in the region.
Richard Florida is studying the evolution of cities. After their decline and then their gentrification, he notes that today the major international metropolises are inaccessible to those who work there. Read more in this French interview.
Interview with Richard Florida about Smart cities, smart work and the future of urbanization.
Interview with Richard Florida on his most recent book The New Urban Crisis with the Italian daily newspaper la Repubblica.
International Swiss NZZ interview with Richard Florida on the New Urban Crisis. English translation included.
More than any other global city, London defines the New Urban Crisis. Here are three pillars of a new agenda for more inclusive prosperity.
On the first day of the educational project Made In Kazan the listeners expert classes made Richard Florida – economist, urbanist, author of the theory of the creative class, the professor of the School of Management named Joseph Rothman at the University of Toronto. “Indus” publishes a summary of his lectures.